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The Pro/Angle difference

Do other companies produce Pro/Angle® Angular Bunker Sand? 

No. Pro/Angle Bunker Sand is solely manufactured by R.W. Sidley in Thompson, Ohio. We are the original creators of Pro/Angle 100% Angular Bunker Sand.  


How does Pro/Angle Bunker Sand compare with other bunker sands on the market? 

Pro/Angle is a premium angular sand made from pure silica quartz. Its high-purity particle content and unique angular shape and particle size distribution combine to deliver significant benefits other golf course sands can’t match. Pro/Angle is regarded as the most playable, weather-resistant bunker sand on the market.  


How does Pro/Angle’s angular shape improve a course’s playability? 

The angular shape of Pro/Angle sand particles resists ball impact and delivers firm consistent footing creating more playable shots in bunkers and since balls don’t become buried in the sand.  


Does Pro/Angle’s angular shape reduce bunker maintenance? 

Absolutely! Unlike round sand particles, the angular shape of Pro/Angle resists movement by water. This dramatically reduces maintenance after rain events, virtually eliminating the need for sand push-up. Since the strength created by the angular particles enables sand to stay in place on slopes, it reduces the amount of labor required after a day of play.  


What other benefits does Pro/Angle offer? 

Pro/Angle Bunker Sand offers excellent drainage, superior slope retention, greater wind resistance, better overall product retention, durability, and improved course aesthetics.  


Why are angular sands used in bunkers and round sands used as topdressing? 

Angular sands have sharp, well-defined edges that compact well and offer golf ball compression resistance, reducing the dreaded fried egg lie. The angular shape also resists movement, providing golfers with stable footing while reducing bunker maintenance. Topdressing sands are intended to move into aerification holes or spread easily across the green or tees, a round particle intended to move is better suited for that purpose.  


Aren’t all bunker sands the same as Pro/Angle? 

No. Sands vary in mineral composition, purity, hardness, particle shape, and particle size distribution, among other things. To view Pro/Angle’s key data attributes verified by independent laboratory testing, click here.

Production / mineral composition 

How is Pro/Angle Bunker Sand produced? 

To produce Pro/Angle Bunker Sand, high-purity silica quartz is drilled, blasted, then excavated from mineral-rich Ohio quarries. Once extracted, the raw material is washed, processed, and crushed to create angularity. After that, it is rewashed, screened into size, and washed one final time to remove fine particles that inhibit drainage and impact moisture retention. The process requires great effort, but the result is a durable, long-lasting, premium bunker sand with unmatched performance characteristics. The mining process and raw materials used to create Pro/Angle sand are entirely different than those used to produce traditional, naturally occurring round, sub-rounded, or sub-angular sand.  


Is Pro/Angle considered a hard material? 

Yes. Pro/Angle measures 7 out of 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, a standard scale used for ranking mineral hardness. Pro/Angle’s hardness is similar to that of a steel nail.  


What is Pro/Angle’s chemical composition? 

Pro/Angle is nearly pure silicon dioxide (SiO2). At 99.7% pure quartz, there are no soft particles in Pro/Angle such as coal, shale, clay, or carbonates to break down. Pro/Angle’s geology contributes to its long life span and excellent drainage performance. 

Trusted solution

Is Pro/Angle Bunker Sand a USGA product? 

Yes. Our Pro/Angle Bunker Sand and Pro Topdressing™ products meet USGA specifications for particle content and grade.  


Is Pro/Angle Bunker sand used on USGA golf courses? 

Yes. Several USGA-listed courses use Pro/Angle Bunker Sand. Many of the finest golf courses in the nation specify Pro/Angle for new construction and renovation projects. Courses using Pro/Angle have seen improved playing scores and increased member and management satisfaction.  


How long has Pro/Angle Bunker Sand been on the market? 

R.W. Sidley has been manufacturing and marketing Pro/Angle Bunker Sand since 1995. We have established ourselves as a leader in the sports aggregates category by continually providing high-quality products that improve courses’ playability while reducing their maintenance.


How is Pro/Angle bunker sand transported? 

We always consider the most cost-effective shipping mode based on the volume ordered and your location. Most Pro/Angle bunker sand arrives by truck, but we also use rail and barge methods. We can ship Pro/Angle anywhere in the contiguous U.S. or Canada. The quality and performance of Pro/Angle make it worth the trip!  

How can I calculate the amount of Pro/Angle Bunker Sand needed? 

Using our Material Usage Calculator, you can enter some basic details and dimensions about your project. Our material experts can be reached at 866-388-7263 to discuss your replacement, new construction, or topdressing needs.  


How is Pro/Angle supplied?  

R.W. Sidley’s Pro/Angle Bunker Sand and Pro Topdressing™ Sand are available in bulk quantities (wet or dry), 3,000 and 4,000 super sacks (wet or dry), and 50-pound dry bags.  


Is Pro/Angle available through distributors? 

Yes. For a complete list of R.W. Sidley authorized Pro/Angle Distributors in Canada and the U.S., click here.

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